Come What May
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Author: Angela Jade
Rating - NC-17
Pairing: Wedge/Luke
Summary - a series of vignettes exploring a relationship between the two greatest X-wing pilots ever. Set during the Original Trilogy.
Warning: SLASH!
Status: Complete; 9/23/02
A Perfect Fit
Pairing: Wes/Wedge
Rating: R
Summary: Just one of those retrospective / morning happytime fics
Warning: SLASH
Status: Completed
Pairing: Corran/Mirax
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Corran is back from Lusankya, sore, tired, and missing a certain smuggler's daughter.
Spoilers: Wedge's Gamble and The Krytos Trap
Status: Completed
The Rogue Disk
Characters: Wedge, Luke
Rating: PG-13 (kinda slashy)
Summary: Wedge is in trouble with the Commander again...
Status: Complete
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Corran/Face (implied Face/Ton)
Summary: a Rogue and a Wraith met in a bar...
Spoilers: mainly for "Iron Fist" by Aaron Allston, the 6th book in the X-Wing series.
Warning: SLASH!
Status: Complete
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