Fanfic by Arwen


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Author: Arwen
Rating: PG
Characters: Wedge, Lara Notsil, the Wraiths, an Intelligence puke
Summary: What if Lara had told Wedge who she really was before Face figured it out?
Spoilers: Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist
Status: In Progress

Author: Arwen
Rating: PG
Characters: Arwen, TAWG, meaningless others
Summary: It's the night of the Homecoming ball and Arwen doesn't have a date. Just a little ficlet of a dream come true.
Status: Complete; 9/23/02

Death Comes To Call
Author: Arwen
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Rogues, crossover male character
Summary: There is a new member of Rogue Squadron...
Spoilers: Isard's Revenge
Status: In Progress

Des Larmes et du Sang
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Author: Arwen
Characters: Wes, various other people named Janson, Mirax, Booster, the Rogues, various hangers-on
Pairings: Implied Wes/Hobbie
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Wes's reaction to what happened at Corvis Minor in Isard's Revenge prior to learning that they are, in fact, alive. Wes PoV.
Spoilers: "Isard's Revenge"
Warning: SLASH! (implied)
Status: Complete

The Dirty Bothan Phrase Book
Rating: PG-13
Category: Humor
Characters: Wes, Fey'yla, Tycho, Wedge, Nawara, Farmboy, Hobbie.
Summary: "Dirty Hungarian Phrase Book" (Python) retelling.
Status: Complete

1 * 2 * 3
Pairing: Wedge/Luke
Rating: R overall
Summary: Sequel to "Missing." Wedge's reaction to Luke's dinner party with the wampa on Hoth. Wedge PoV.
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete

Hobbi(t) updated part!
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Author: Arwen
Rating: PG-13
Characters: the Company of the Ring, Faramir, Denethor, the Rogues, various others
Spoilers: if you can think of a story from G.L. or J.R.R.T., I have a spoiler for it!
Summary: Crossover. Begin with LotR, TTT, "The Departure of Boromir." Change it to Boromir NOT dying, but Aragorn & Co. thinking he is dead and doing the whole waterfall thing. Boromir is picked up at the base of Rauros and carted off to Barad-Dur. Now, watch me turn this into "Star Wars" effortlessly and seamlessly! Boromir PoV.
Status: In Progress

Pairing: Wedge/Luke
Rating: PG
Summary: Wedge's reaction to Luke's dinner party with the wampa on Hoth. Wedge PoV.
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete

No Other Wish But His
Rating: R for implied slash
Category: Romance, Angst
Characters: Wedge, Luke, various others
Spoilers: the 'Jedi Academy' trilogy and I, Jedi
Summary: Set during Dark Apprentice/ I, Jedi. Wedge reacts to the news that Farmboy's health is less than excellent, has an odd dream, and muses on their past history together. Wedge PoV.
Status: Complete

Of Pigs and Rogues
Pairing: Wedge/Arwen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Arwen falls asleep in AmHis, wakes up in Wedge's bed
Status: Complete

Puppy Love
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Author: Arwen
Rating: PG
Characters: The Fab Four, Arwen, a few real world dumbasses, a few real world non-dumbasses, and a few other SW people
Summary: Shortly after Solo Command the Fab Four come to Earth, à la Starfighters of Adumar. I am "Cheriss" minus the blastsword and suicidal tendencies. Wedge PoV.
Status: In Progress

Author: Arwen
Rating: PG
Characters: Gara/Lara/Kirney (whatever), Corran
Summary: the aftereffects of Gara/Lara/Kirney's message to Myn at the end of Solo Command. Set during I, Jedi
Spoilers: Solo Command
Status: Complete

Rogue Christmas Party Author: Arwen
Rating: G
Summary: the Rogues have a Christmas party attended by the WAASers
Status: Complete; 2/10/03

2 Years In Paradise Author: Arwen
Rating: PG
Summary: a fairy tale...
Status: Complete; 12/26/02

Who Says Jedi Never Get Laid?
Author: Arwen
Rating: R for obvious things
Characters: Luke
Summary: Farmboy relates on his sex life. Farmboy POV
Warning: SLASH This has Corran-related slash. This has Farmboy sex.
Note: this is set in a bizzare universe where everyone is young and sexy and legal: the Fab Four are still pilots with no grey hair and no (in Wedge's case) wives, but the Solo kids can get laid, and every bar is named DownTime.
Status: Complete; 11/16/03

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