After It's Over
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Author: Banshee & Paula
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Wedge/Tycho
Summary: PWP. Shortly after Truce at Bakura.
Warnings: SLASH!
Status: Complete; 10/28/02
Angel One
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Rating: R
Characters: Tycho, OFC, other Rogues
Summary: A figure from Tycho's past reappears.
Author's Note: Sometime between I, Jedi and Crimson Empire but w/o blue chick. May conflict slightly with various versions of Tycho's exit from the Empire.
Spoilers: X-wing novels and comics through I, Jedi, and slightly for Rebel Stand in Epilogue
Status: In Progress
Encounters new!
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Author: Banshee
Pairing: Wedge/OFC/Tycho
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For all those who have trouble choosing
between Wedge and Tycho...
Warnings: PWP, mild SLASH, m/m/f
Spoilers: RS Novels (only minor, but if you don't know
about Tycho's time spent w/ Isard, what are you doing
Status: Complete; 11/16/03
From Empire to Rogue new part!
Prequel to X-Wing: Angel One
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Author: Banshee
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tycho, OFC
Summary: Story of Tycho Celchu between Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Follow up story to "X-wing: Angel One"
Status: In Progress
My Month with the Gods new part!
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Author: Banshee
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Rogues, OFC
Summary: Exchange program sends pilot to Coruscant to spend month
with the Rogues as an observer.
Status: In Progress
Pay Attention to Me! new!
Author: Banshee
Rating: PG
Summary: Wedge & Tycho muses battle with schoolwork
for Banshee’s attention.
Warnings: Implied SLASH!
Status: Complete; 12/26/02
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