Because I
Pairing: Corran/Tycho
Summary: Corran musing on Tycho and some other stuff. Takes
place during X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
Rating: PG
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
Because II
Pairing: Wedge/Luke
Summary: Second installment in the 'Because' vignette series.
This time, Luke muses on Wedge.
Rating: PG
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
Beds of Aramanth and Moly
Pairing: Wedge/Obi-Wan
Summary: The General goes for a walk in the gardens, seeking
escape. He finds something else.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
Pairing: implied Wedge/Luke
Summary: Angst 'fic, from Wedge's POV. Do Jedi make good lovers?
Rating: NC-17
Warning: SLASH!
Status: Complete
It's not the Heat
Pairing: Wedge/Luke
Summary: Uhmmm... Wedge and Luke and the X-Wing?
Rating: NC-17
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
My Lover Stands on Golden Stands
Pairing: Wedge/Luke, Obi/Qui
Summary: Present - two couples, Past - two nights on Tatooine, Future - Two reunions are planned.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
Nights Without a Moon or Star
Pairing: Wedge/Tycho
Summary: At the end of _Wedge's Gamble_ Tycho is imprisoned and accused of treason to Rebellion. He gets a visit from Wedge and they have a little chat about astronomy.
Spoilers: for Wedge's Gamble
Rating: NC-17
Warning: SLASH
Status: Complete
Time Together
Author: Glim
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ton/Face
Summary: Face and Ton spend some quality time together
Warnings: SLASH; Teeny bit of bondage
Status: Complete
Untitled (with Leather)
Pairing: Tycho/f
Summary: ahh... the wonders of leather trousers...
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
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