Damn Fine Pilot
Rating: R
Summary: To the tune of "Sweet Transvesite" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Status: Complete
Discouraging Mechanic Talk
1 *
Pairing: Wedge/ofc
Rating: PG-13
Summary: One of the X-wing mechanics on Folor Base acquaints herself
with Wedge. Start on page 71 of Wraith Squadron.
Status: In Progress
For One Night Only, the All-singing, All-dancing Rogues!
Characters: The Fab Four
Rating: G
Summary: To show their gratitude to the WAAS for all the fics and
filks written about them, Wedge, Wes, Tycho and Hobbie put on a show.
Status: Complete
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Rogue After Midnight)
Rating: G
Summary: To the tune of ABBA's "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A Rogue-ish twist on "Vogue" by Madonna.
Status: Complete
Rogues Will Prevail
Rating: G
Summary: To the tune of "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor.
Thank You for the X-Wings
Rating: G
Summary: To the tune of ABBA's "Thank You for the Music"
Status: Complete
Two Go Mad on Coruscant
1 *
2 *
Authors: Holly for the odd parts, Beggs for the even parts
Characters: Holly, Beggs, various GFFA
Rating: R
Summary: Holly and Stuart take advantage of British Airways'
hyperspace transports and spend a weekend on Coruscant.
Status: In Progress
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