Airin's Story
Pairing: Wedge/ofc
Rating: PG overall
Summary: An Alliance mechanic shares her story with Wedge
Status: Series In Progress
Antigone The SmutSlut's Birthday Ficlet
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Happy (belated) Birthday to WAAS's SmutSlut
Status: Complete
The Black Pilot
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"-- Parody of the Black Knight
Status: Complete
The Bridge of Death
Rating: G
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle
Status: Complete
Burn the Omwat
Rating: PG
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--Burn the Witch!
Status: Complete
The Dead X-wing Sketch
Rating: PG-13 for a lot of yelling (and innuendo)
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--No, no, it’s just resting.
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Summary: Cadet Klivian makes a life-changing decision. POV
Status: Complete
The Gungan Soldier
Rating: PG (because it kinda hurt to write)
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The French Soldiers
Status: Complete
The Holy Proton Torpedo of Andumar
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Status: Complete
The Knights who say Utinni
Rating: G
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The Knights who say "Ni!"
Status: Complete
Picking out Curtains
Pairing: Wedge/Wes
Rating: PG
Summary: duh. Picking out curtains. How hard is that to understand?
Status: Complete
The Tale of Sir Corran
Rating: PG
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The Tale of Sir Robin
Status: Complete
The Tale of Sir Hobbie
Rating: G
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The Tale of Sir Galahad
Status: Complete
The Tale of Sir Tycho
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Part of the "Monty Python" cycle--The Tale of Sir Lancelot
Status: Complete
Untitled #1
Pairing: Wedge/ofc
Rating: R
Ambiance: NIN "Closer" you let me violate you you let me desecrate you you let
me penetrate you you let me complicate you help me....
Status: Complete
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