Paddy's Fanfic


Don't mess with a Moonfire
Author: Paddy
Rating: R (to be safe)
Characters: Risha, Selina, various Rogues
Summary: Risha looks after her sister's assests.
Status: Complete

All Work and No Play
Pairing: Wedge/Risha (ofc)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Risha causes havoc on Wedge's work schedule
Status: Complete

A Midnight Tryst
Pairing: Wedge/Risha
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Risha surprises Wedge
Status: In Progress

One Fate-Filled Night
1 * 2
Pairing: Wedge/Risha
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A pilot meets his true love, one fate-filled night
Status: Complete

Temptation of a Wraith
1 * 2
Author: Paddy
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Risha and Kell
Summary: Risha plays intelligence with the Wraiths
Status: Complete

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